Escape Velocity

Better Metrics for Agile Teams


It is time to Escape Velocity

Time and time again, I find teams struggling with Velocity as a genuinely helpful metric. In most cases, it is at best a weak tool for planning work and more often a poor tool for indicating what work will be done by when. In "Escape Velocity" we consider better alternatives to Velocity as a metric.

Escape Velocity: Better Metrics for Agile Teams

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What Others are saying about “Escape Velocity”

Great insights around metrics, usage, misuse as well as thought provoking suggestions on what to focus on.
— David Lokietz
This is a book that I want on the shelf to hand to people to read!
— Leland Newsom
I will recommend this book naturally to every member of a Scrum team, but it should provide interesting ideas to every software development project manager or executive.
— Scrum Expert

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