Keep Retrospectives Fresh

Retrospectives are an important (and frequently poorly done) practice. They provide an opportunity for discussion, learning, and adaptation. Without retrospectives, a team is likely to fall into a soothing rhythm and fail to recognize early the need for change.

But retrospectives themselves can become common and numbing. The same moderator, the same three questions, in the same room, at the same time .... (yawn).

Here are a few tips on keeping your retrospectives fresh.

I disagree with Uncle Bob on this one

I am reading Bob Martin's "Clean Code - A handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" again. For the most part, I am really digging it. It reminds me a bit of Steve McConnell's Code Complete. I still have the original version of McConnell's book around here somewhere. But I digress (and show my age).

In Chapter 9, Martin covers unit tests. In listings 9-3 and 9-4, Martin shows the "simplification" of a unit test. Listing 9-3 makes two method calls followed by five assertions. Each assertion checks a specific state. Each state is clearly identified. I do not particularly like the five assertions. But this is not the point that Bob makes. This is not the correction he covers. Instead, he condenses all five assertions into a single assertion by introducing a string of seemingly arbitrary characters.

Code Retreat #2

Yesterday was the second Code Retreat. Thanks to LeanDog for the use of their facilities. We didn't quite hit 40 in attendance, but we came close. With participants like Chris Judd, James Shingler, Corey Haines and J.B. Rainsberger, we had some real ninjas present. I had the fortune to pair with Corey and J.B. as well as several others. All of the pairing experiences were fantastic. I learned something new with each iteration of the kata. I couldn't have asked for more.

Don't be like "Ted"

I have a friend; Let's call him "Ted".

Ted's place is a mess. Frankly, it's a disgusting, blatant, offensive, inexcusable mess. I visit Ted on occassion. He has a nice family. They're good people. Yet they live in near squalor and seem to be relatively unbothered by it. Ted complains regularly, but knows that sometimes there are circumstances beyond our personal control.

Allow me to share with you a few of Ted's household issues.

Agile Methodologies for Non-Developers?

This is just a thought right now. More of a mental note; possibly not yet worthy of a blog post. But I think putting it out there will help it grow.

I've been working with teams and implementing Agile methodologies since before I knew there was a phrase for it. I used to call it "getting it done development". I was going to call my original company "JDI Software" for "Just Do It", but then Nike came out with that damn ad campaign...

Anyway, I digress.