Maybe it's about you...

I am reading "Good Boss, Bad Boss". It isn't a book I'd first recommend to aspiring or existing managers. It's not bad, it's just not as good as "The Advantage", or "Leading at a Higher Level"

In the epilogue to the book, Sutton talks about Steve Jobs and differing perspectives on what contributed to his success; creativity, assholery, or some magic combination of both. Pondering this made me think of a story from my own life.

The most important agile practice?

The most important agile practice?

As a coach, I've gone into numerous environments with the intention of introducing agile. Of course, I always talk about the values and the principles. Of course, I try to help people to see that there is no one true agile. There's no prescribed set of practices that once followed earn you the agile merit badge.

At the same time, these teams need something concrete. What things can one do in order to set them on the path to "being agile"?

Collaboration 8

For an update on this process, be sure to read Collaboration Contract.

In January of 2012, we at LeanDog were honored to host Jurgen Appelo for his first Management 3.0 course in the US. If you've not read Jurgen's book on "Leading Agile Developers, Developing Agile Leaders", I recommend it. The book is full of good advice and simple techniques for improving the way you manage. Among the items Jurgen shares in his class, I was intrigued by The Seven Levels of Authority and his Delegation Poker game.

Fighting Entropy

Fighting Entropy

It was 1983 and I was in science class when I first heard the term entropy.

I don't recall if we were discussing energy conversion, heat as waste, or some other topic wherein entropy plays a part, but I do recall how profound the concept of entropy seemed to me. The notion that there was a lack of order, a lack of predictability, and a gradual decline into disorder resonated with me deeply.

Estimating our Work

I've been thinking quite a bit about estimations and our general obsession with getting them "right". After all, we need to know when the project will be done. And we need accuracy. Knowing the entire project will be done before the end of the third quarter isn't good enough. We need to know that the project will be done this month or this week or perhaps even on this specific day.

"Necessary" Refactoring

In a discussion on the Agile Alliance Linked In Group, Michael Moles asked how refactoring fit into the agile process.

The Question

Refactoring: How does it fit into your Agile process?

We are in the midst of writing a new product, at this point the developers are realizing that some of the code should be refactored to improve performance and or clarity for ease of use. How do you fit refactoring into you Agile process? We have created separate backlog items for refactoring specific pieces of code. These backlog items are treated exactly like any other backlog item (meaning they have effort assigned and are committed to sprints by the team). What do you do when refactoring is necessary?

Values and Beliefs

Earlier this week, Bob Marshall (@flowchainsenseiretweeted an article by Dan McCarthy on The Meaning of Respect, where he discussed respect as a value. I then saw a blog post from Seth Godin entitled "Seven Questions for Leaders" where he asks if you would walk away from a client or employee whose values don't match yours. This weekend, at Agile and Beyond, I got into a conversation with several others about company values and walking away from clients when there is a mis-match. At LeanDog, we proudly display our company values and we often refer to the XP values of Simplicity, Communication, Feedback, Respect, and Courage.

Stabilizing Velocity

Stabilizing Velocity

Have you ever been on a team where your velocity suffered wild variances? Maybe you ended up using a running average instead of yesterday's weather?

Have you heard phrases like, "Well, our velocity last iteration was 3, but our average is still 22"?

Have you ever heard the phrase, "Dude, we need to get this velocity stable."

Have you worked on teams where they took partial credit for done at the end of the iteration? Where maybe you'd split a card strictly on points and award some apportion to the current iteration and assign the remainder of the card to the next iteration.